Does Evil Exist?

Recently people have begun denying it, claiming it’s just “a religious concept.”

Bryan With a Why
8 min readFeb 20, 2023
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

I’ll be honest, I took for granted that people believed in the existence of evil.

If you had asked me a few years ago, I would have said “yeah, people believe in evil the same way they believe in gravity, or light, or the four seasons.”

Ok, to be fair the last one may not be a belief to those living in places like Texas or Florida where they only have two seasons: “ungodly hot” and “less ungodly hot”.

But I recently heard a podcast where the interviewee claimed evil was “just a religious concept” and more recently read an article where evil was listed as “a religious thing.”

Before we dive in to this, however, we must start (as always) with a definition of terms. We get no where as a society when we discuss important topics without first defining what it is we’re talking about. We can no longer assume that definitions of ANYTHING are “common sense” because that is now out the window. Hence, why it’s 2023 and I have to explain what “evil” means to a society that should have thousands of years of examples to prove it.

So what is the definition of evil?

evil — adjective:



Bryan With a Why

Write about politics, religion, economics, & finance. If you like most Medium articles you probably won’t like what I say.