“Don’t Let the Perfect be the Enemy of the Good.”

Perfection isn’t attainable, but there’s a lot of money to be made in perpetuating fear and lies

Bryan With a Why
7 min readDec 18, 2020
Garth Nichols (source: https://cohort21.com/garthnichols/files/2018/04/335quality-sign-graphic.jpg)

I first remember hearing this Voltaire quote when Nancy Pelosi was talking to Wolf Blitzer on CNN in October of 2020. Pelosi, against many of the wishes on those on the Democrat side even, rejected a bill for a $1.8 trillion stimulus package. It wasn’t enough. She wanted one that was $3.4 trillion.

Wolf Blitzer, to his credit, really pushed her for an answer and she would have none of it. The entire conversation was awkward to watch because it’s obvious that Pelosi was surprised and confused why a CNN anchor wouldn’t just suckle at the Democrat Party teet like they usually do. Blitzer asked her why they rejected the bill over and over again. She had bullshit, blanketed responses like “why don’t the Republicans accept ours?” Mind you, the $3.4 trillion bailout she wanted included $1 trillion in state bailouts and rule changes for the election.

The $1.8 trillion bill she rejected no doubt had plenty of pork and special interest bailouts that she disagreed with. But since when are ANY Republicans or Democrats afraid to spend money? They dropped $2 trillion on the first bailout in May, so why not another one?



Bryan With a Why

Write about politics, religion, economics, & finance. If you like most Medium articles you probably won’t like what I say. https://compiled.social/bryanwithawhy