Even Free Newspapers Aren’t Worth Reading

Newspapers used to require payment to read day-old news. Now even free newspapers aren’t worth it.

Bryan With a Why
4 min readAug 24, 2022
Photo by Ludovica Dri on Unsplash

My parents used to subscribe to not one but TWO newspapers back in the day. And by “back in the day” I mean as recently as just a few years ago. And they live in a large suburb next to a metropolitan city, both with their own major newspapers so it’s not as strange as it may sound. They always had newspaper subscriptions when I was growing up and having had 5 kids, they needed those coupons inside to save as much money on food as possible!

They’re both in their 70s now and their generation is the last of the “newspaper reading” generation. All they ever knew for the first 40+ years of their life was getting their news from the newspaper or television. The internet really didn’t spring up until they were in their 40s and most people still didn’t get news from the internet until the last 5 to 10 years.

The Internet Changed Everything

It sounds cliche, I know, but you can’t deny the truth. The internet changed everything! Now even young adults or kids see ads or news online and lump newspapers in the same “old people” bucket as rotary phones, landlines, and Yellow Page books.



Bryan With a Why

Write about politics, religion, economics, & finance. If you like most Medium articles you probably won’t like what I say. https://compiled.social/bryanwithawhy