Is the Collapse of Corporate Media Upon Us?

The golden goose has been sacrificed, but golden eggs can be found elsewhere.

Bryan With a Why
10 min readFeb 11, 2024
“Collapse of Corporate Media” — courtesy of

Love him or hate him, Tucker Carlson was the number one political commentator on television in August 2023. Which is surprising, considering how many political pundits speak daily on the broadcast (a.k.a. “free”) channels, while Tucker was on the cable channel Fox News.

More people were willing to PAY for a cable subscription to listen to Tucker than listen to anyone else on television for free.

And it wasn’t even close — Tucker was pulling in millions of views per night, over double the next closest competitor and 5 times the views of most shows on CNN and MSNBC.¹

Tucker was controversial, no doubt. But that doesn’t mean much today when we live in a society where saying “men and women aren’t equal” and “2 + 2 equals 4” is deemed “hate speech” or “racist” by far too many people.

“Far too many” in this case means more than one or two fringe people. In reality, we’re talking about millions of people who no longer subscribe to reality.

The viewership issue cannot be overexaggerated, though. With very few exceptions, the corporate…



Bryan With a Why

Write about politics, religion, economics, & finance. If you like most Medium articles you probably won’t like what I say.