Bryan With a Why
1 min readMar 5, 2024


Let's be frank - Peterson says what he says the way he says it to not just make a point but to prevent the evils we've seen in the past. He's well aware of what it took for horrific things to happen in the past - holocausts, wars, et al - based on lies, manipulation, and propaganda.

As Voltaire said, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

The fact you have to soften the blow by saying "it was probably true" is proof positive that we ALL feel the pressure to lie in order to come across as politically correct or tolerant of others. But at what cost?

Peterson realizes the slippery slope of "don't believe your own eyes" and how it ultimately leads to "your neighbor is the scum of the earth, help us irradicate them."

For 500 million years the world knew the difference between male and female - a concept literally older than the very concept of "up" as Peterson rightfully and thoughtfully points out - and now we're in a time where if you deny this it could cost you your career or even your family.

The leftists in power - in the government, corporate media, social media, universities, and most major corporations - now require everyone to lie publicly in order to "get along" with others. In many places throughout the United States you can't even wave a US flag without being demonized or called "xenophobic" rather than (what we've all known for 200+ years) to be called "patriotic."



Bryan With a Why

Write about politics, religion, economics, & finance. If you like most Medium articles you probably won’t like what I say.