Welcome to the New Factual But Not Truthful World

I’m afraid there may be no going back.

Bryan With a Why
10 min readJun 20, 2024
Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-carrying-a-cardboard-4613880/

This may or may not come as a surprise to you, but the news is no longer interested in reporting the truth.

They are willing to report some facts, sure, but they often just report the facts that twist a tale that fits their agenda.

While there are countless examples of this during covid, it’s far from the only time this has come up. When you look at pretty much every story that caused widespread shock or anger, there was a “factual but not truthful” story behind it.

Let’s get it straight from the beginning: this isn’t a matter of mistake or even just bias. This is an outright purposeful move to anger viewers/readers, spread an agenda for a false narrative, and create division/confusion/frustration — not to mention making a LOT of money while doing so.

It certainly isn’t the first time we’ve seen it, but it has become much more prevalent in the last two years:

Media now focuses on being “factual” rather than “truthful.”



Bryan With a Why

Write about politics, religion, economics, & finance. If you like most Medium articles you probably won’t like what I say. https://compiled.social/bryanwithawhy